Time Well Spent

A study done at Drexel University, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, found that coloring, drawing, and doodling make us feel more relaxed because they activate the prefrontal cortex, which helps control the brain’s reward pathways and contributes to our emotions, decision-making capabilities, and motivation. In this study, the participants were given paper and markers and instructed to…

Gratitude Is Good for You!

The practice of gratitude can improve your physical and psychological health, lower blood pressure, improve immune function and heart health, enhance empathy, reduce aggression, help you sleep better, improve your self-esteem, and increase your mental strength, according to Robert A. Emmons, professor of psychology at UC Davis and a leading scientific expert on the science…

Energy Just Is

“There is one current running through each bulb, in the same way there is a singular energy running through each person on this planet. Despite race, gender, or nationality, we are all energy… energy has no color, no political or religious affiliation, energy just is.” Prince Ea In this three-minute video, Prince Ea asks, “What…

From Victim to Victory

“How many of you are blamers? How many of you, when something goes wrong, the first thing you want to know is who’s fault it is?” Dr. Brene Brown In this short video, narrated by Dr. Brene Brown, New York Times bestselling author and research professor, we learn how blame sabotages relationships—both with others and…

Choose Happiness

In this two-minute video by YoursWisely, we’re reminded that chasing happiness won’t bring happiness, as this perspective frames it as something not yet present and requires more of “something else” before it can happen. From this mindset, happiness stays trapped in the future, unavailable in the here and now. Chasing happiness keeps it at a…

Think About

In this five-minute video, Dr. Bruce Lipton explains how biological responses are influenced by thoughts: cells respond to signals (chemicals in our bloodstream) triggered by the nervous system’s perception of the environment. This is how our perception of the outer environment impacts the chemistry of our inner environment. If we perceive a threat, our biology…

The Potential Within

“We have a potential within us, and as we embrace that potential, we begin to think of ourselves very differently, and see the world very differently, and to me, this is where the end of hate begins.” Gregg Braden Do you recognize that being kind to yourself is an act of kindness to others? In…

Ida Keeling

In this short and inspiring video, Ida Keeling, the national champion of the 60-meter dash of the 95-99 age group, imparts some wonderful wisdom. Life presents us with challenges—some are harder than others. So the question is: How do we respond?” Are we reactive or have we learned how to activate our conscious problem-solving mind…