Wall or Bridge

Here is a story about growth and protection, and how these biological responses in our bodies impact the evolution of humanity on a global scale. What plays out inside of us is simultaneously playing out on the screen of life, all around us. Cells, like people, collectively cooperate for growth and to thrive. However, when…

You Never Know

“… It is really impossible to tell whether anything that happens is good or bad— because you never know what will be the consequences of the misfortune. Or of good fortune.” Alan Watts In this two-minute story, British-American philosopher and theologian, Alan Watts (1915-1973), illustrated how—while ideas of good and bad come and go—nature’s ever-changing conditions…

Life after Hate

“My journey away from violent extremism began 22 years ago, when I denounced racism and left the American whitesupremacist skinhead movement that I’d helped build,” shares Christian Picciolini, in his TED Talk. Fourteen-year old Christian just wanted to belong. A lack of quality time with his parents had left him feeling abandoned and lonely. Having withdrawn,…

Fidgeting and Focusing

Is fidgeting the body’s way of helping your mind stay present? Although fidgeting has long been associated with inattentiveness, research and controlled studies show that movement (like fidgeting and doodling) helps children to pay attention, think, speak, and retain information. In this article published in BBC News, psychologists found that primary school children learn better when…