Antidote for Stress

Humor is a wonderful antidote for stress, a delightful way to release bottled-up emotions and ultimately change your perceptions. Some people are natural comedians, while others may find themselves stifled in this department. I grew-up in an environment where thinking differently was frowned on and poking fun at something was not tolerated, so my humorist…


“Self-discipline begins with mastering your thoughts. If you can’t control what you think, you can’t control what you do.” -Randy Pausch   When was the last time you didn’t just think your thoughts, but consciously observed and dissected them so fully that you were able to uncover the underlying thread that linked them together? Several weeks…


When Albert Einstein said, “We can’t solve problems using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them,” what he was referring to was the role of the conscious mind versus the subconscious or unconscious mind. I feel most of the problems today are created when people are in their unconscious or reactive…


New research shows that meditation not only helps children feel calmer, but can also benefit executive functions such as memory, cognitive control, and flexibility. Additional research has also found that meditation can have its greatest impact on cognitive development in the first five years of life. This is because the brain develops connections in prefrontal…