
Video from KarmaTube Do you feel vibration and alive? Are your days filled with joy, passion and magic? Or are you walking through life feeling hollow, empty and unfulfilled? The question I am really asking is: Are you living your life or the one that others have told you that you need to live? If…

It’s Official

We are pleased to announce the launch of the I Create What I Believe! (ICWIB) Online Training Program. This means that now anyone, anywhere in the world can benefit from this training.  According to Dr. Bruce Lipton “…This program (I Create What I Believe!) frees up the mind of a child (or adult) and allows their…

Wholeness and Balance

Explore Wholeness is not something we need to strive for or try to obtain. Wholeness exists within us. It is our perceptions or beliefs about life and ourselves that disconnects us from this awareness and can prevent us from moving through life in a full and integrated manner. The I Create What I Believe! (ICWIB)…