Growth or Fixed?

Do you embrace problems as opportunities to learn?  Or do you avoid them for fear of failing? After decades of research on achievement and success, Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck developed the concept of mindsets, which are the beliefs that we hold about ourselves and our basic qualities. This five-minute animated video presents the two…

Energy Grows Where Attention Goes

“Mindfulness allows us to see our thoughts and feelings as they are beginning. With mindfulness, we can choose what we’ll strengthen and bring into action, and we can choose what we’ll gently let go of.” –Sharon Salzberg This two-minute video, narrated by Sharon Salzberg, New York Timesbest-selling author and world-renowned meditation teacher, and animated by…

Fidgeting and Focusing

Is fidgeting the body’s way of helping your mind stay present? Although fidgeting has long been associated with inattentiveness, research and controlled studies show that movement (like fidgeting and doodling) helps children to pay attention, think, speak, and retain information. In this article published in BBC News, psychologists found that primary school children learn better when…