Your DNA

In this short video clip, Dr. Bruce Lipton and Dr. Wayne Dyer talk about how our perceptions don’t change our DNA—our perceptions change the readout of our DNA. Then that information goes in and affects the genes. Since we can create over 30,000 different variations from our original blue print, it’s easy to see that…


When Albert Einstein said, “We can’t solve problems using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them,” what he was referring to was the role of the conscious mind versus the subconscious or unconscious mind. I feel most of the problems today are created when people are in their unconscious or reactive…

An Inspired Life

Is it possible to live an inspired life in our current stress-and-fear-filled society? Could living an inspired life help bring about the needed change? Or would it feel like an act of denial? Webster’s Dictionary definition of inspired is, “ …aroused, animated or imbued with spirit to do a certain thing by, or as if…