Your DNA

In this short video clip, Dr. Bruce Lipton and Dr. Wayne Dyer talk about how our perceptions don’t change our DNA—our perceptions change the readout of our DNA. Then that information goes in and affects the genes. Since we can create over 30,000 different variations from our original blue print, it’s easy to see that…

Safe to Learn

In this short video, Dr. Bruce Perry describes how relationships directly impact how we learn. Dr. Perry has found that relationships, which provide a sense of emotional safety for a child, can exponentially foster their capacity to learn. When teachers are encouraging towards students and show genuine interest in them, it builds a relationship of…


“…Don’t let the Noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice…”—Steve Jobs When we allow other people’s beliefs and opinions to control or define us, we can also lose touch with our own inner barometer and voice. This also means we can also lose touch with our authentic nature, our soul’s path, and…