Some people have the capacity to see a bigger picture, while others may have a narrower view of life. Perspective, or changing your perspective, I think is the root of the two-party system. When we take the time to look not only at our actions but the impact those actions could have over multiple generations, it is easy to make positive and conscious choices. In my opinion, that is enlightenment. On the other hand, when we are more focused on instant gratification or what we want to get, it is easy to get caught in the trap of entitlement.
I am not saying our needs should not be fulfilled. What I am saying is if your main goal is solely personal gain and you aren’t looking at the long-term impact of your actions, then you are moving toward entitlement. Unfortunately, this mindset also separates you from others and from life.
I think everyone has experienced both sides of the two-party system at one point or another. The question is: What can you do or how can you approach your daily life so that you spend more time in enlightenment and less time in entitlement? This simple reflection has the potential to bring more joy into your life and make the world a better place for others as well.
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