DVD (1)

I Create What I Believe! Instructional Guide DVD


Teachers today are seeing a decrease in the joy of learning, motivation, self-initiation, and academic excellence. The awareness of multiple-learning styles has moved us away from the education model of “one size fits all”. The I Create What I Believe!(ICWIB)program takes it a step further. It gives students the most essential tools for success – understanding and mastering their own unique mind.

The ICWIB program, based on the pioneering research of former Stanford scientist Dr. Bruce Lipton, is an ingenious way to teach students how to self-manage and self-correct learning challenges at their origin, which is also an effective solution for poor motivation, lack of initiation and a lack of interest in learning.

The 2009-2010 ICWIB pilot study demonstrated the effectiveness of this program, especially with children burdened with learning and behavioral challenges.

Nancy Marie’s, the creator of the ICWIB program, academic background is in the fields of art and movement, though her longtime fascination has been the mind – more specifically how stress and our early childhood experiences affect our mind and our ability to succeed. This life-long pursuit and the creation of the ICWIB program stems from her own learning challenges and subsequent healing.

ISBN: 978-0-9660418-6-6
Running Time: 01:16:09

Only sold as part of the I Create What I Believe! Self-Awareness Art Program Deluxe and Just Materials kit

Click here to order the “I Create What I Believe! Self-Awareness Art Program Deluxe and Just Materials kit

Click here to order the
“I Create What I Believe! Video DVD”.