I Create What I Believe! Pilot Study

All teachers saw positive benefits from the use of the program, though several, because of personal and workload stress, were unable to fulfill the complete tracking process. Instead, they opted for a more informal approach and provided us with anecdotal feedback. The numeric results posted on our website are from our “lead” teacher, who was able to complete the full tracking process for 135 sixth-grade students.
The specific areas of focus were students’ classroom participation, listening, self-initiation, self-regulation, creative problem-solving, the ability to focus for longer periods of time, accomplish more in a designated period of time, and an overall improvement of their academic performance. We were also interested to see if using the program would increase a teacher’s enjoyment of teaching, and reduce absentees and suspensions.
Implementing the Program
Outcomes of the Study
Teachers’ Comments
For more information about the I Create What I Believe! pilot study please contact us.