In this entertaining and educational short video clip by Dr. Bruce Lipton, he describes how the human brain is akin to the musical conductor of our body’s biology. Our body’s biology is like a symphony, with our organ systems being the orchestra. The conductor— our brain—has the role of coordinating these systems so they work together and play in harmony. Harmony equals health!
Bruce goes on to explain how these systems participate together in making either music or noise. In a playful way, he also shows us what happens when there is a defect in the coordinating function of the Conductor. Defects or disruptions can be caused by perceptions that interfere with the functioning of the brain and nervous system. When that happens, you create disease instead of harmony!
Curious how your perceptions might be affecting your brain’s ability to coordinate your body’s system? Interested in learning how you can recognize internal “noise” and shift it into harmony?
If you are, we invite you to join Nancy Marie, the creator of the I Create What I Believe (ICWIB) program, which is based on the research of Dr. Bruce Lipton and endorsed by him, in our new FREE Drawing in the Now class. In each class Nancy Marie will demonstrate one ICWIB activity; explain how to use it and why it works.
Classes are held via Zoom on the first and third Monday of each month from 4:30-5:00pm PST. To view archived classes or for more information about the FREE Drawing in the Now Classes visit: https://
“…Freedom is the ability to create without the limitation of generational programming.”– Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.
In a video interview, Dr. Bruce Lipton talked about how the beliefs we acquire in the first seven years of our life impacts not only our ability to succeed, but also our health. He went on to say, “…the ICWIB program is a gateway and a pathway into a new and better future because it allows children (and adults) to fully express themselves and to not be limited by the beliefs that have been passed from generation to generation. This is why I wholeheartedly endorse and support Nancy Marie in this effort because it is not a personal effort, it a global effort. This is a global change for peace and harmony on this planet….”