“About a year-and-a-half ago I attended a weekend of “I Create What I Believe!”. When my friend invited me I thought it was a financial workshop. I quickly realized it was about getting in touch with what was actually holding me down and making my heart and life feel heavy.
Nancy showed us how to draw some mandalas. The first day I couldn’t draw one because I couldn’t see the connection between north, south, east, or west. She reassured me that it would happen when my mind was ready. Then she sent us home with what I call a “lunch box.” I called it a lunch box is because it contains books and art supplies that fed my “inner me.” I tried drawing the mandala several more times with no success.
As I focused on the activities Nancy presented, my inner dialogue quieted down. Suddenly I felt this weight just lift off of me. I could see something that was bothering me. I still didn’t understand it but at least I could see it, and once you can see it you can work on it. I am a Vietnam veteran with PTSD. I am in a group every week.
As we were talking Nancy suggested we to take crayons and draw what we felt. As I listened to her my inner self drew a mandala without me even concentrating. That felt like a landmark for me. I had no idea until that moment how always on-guard I had been. Once I got that little lift I began letting other things in. I also found that things didn’t bother me in the same way anymore.
I discovered that I had still been looking at life from the perspective of a 19-year-old boy and not a 63-year-old man. I had been making my decisions from the same viewpoint I had when I went to Vietnam. Now I can make my decisions from the adult part of me and include my child as well.
I personally highly recommend the I Create what I believe! Program – especially for veterans. If this could help me after all of these years, I am sure it can help others who want and need to make changes in their life.”