In this short animated video, Dr. Brene Brown reminds us of both the importance of a deep authentic connection and how it differs from sympathy. I feel this is really important to remember during this time of great global challenge, because as Dr. Brown explains; sympathy places another person’s problems at a distance from us, and places us in a position of superiority. This in turn “drives separation”.
On the other hand, empathy requires that we internalize the feelings of another person. This in turn creates a shared experience, which drives a deep interpersonal connection. Remember, it is the connection that makes the difference! I think it is also important to remember that it is easier to respond with empathy when we are in our conscious mind.
With this in mind, I invite you to explore some of the ICWIB art activities and videos for FREE. Why? They are a wonderful way to learn how to activate your conscious mind and in the process help you create deeper and more meaningful connections.