Today I would like to tell you a story about Whimsey, who was our family dog many years ago.
Every morning after we took our morning walk I would sit down at my desk to work. While I was busy, Whimsey sometimes would play with a toy, though her favorite past time is finding things that have been left on the floor and bring them to me.
So as I worked, Whimsey would hunt the house for things she could bring to me.
I knew she thought she has found something special when she pranced into my office with her tail wagging, her eyes twinkling and she was doing her little “guess what I found” dance.
After she finished bragging she would politely sits next to my desk and opens her mouth for me to see what she has found. I would pet her, give her a treat and tell her how proud I was of her. She then would gleefully return to her hunting.
Life is filled with lots of difficult challenges these days, but if we can be present it can also fill our lives with inspiring and uplifting moments as well. No, we aren’t going to find a baby bird in our dog’s mouth every day, but even a bold piece of grass pushing itself up through a crack in the cement I think is pretty amazing. It is remembering these magical moments that get me though the hard and difficult times. Though in order to see them and appreciate them I need to be present and awake.
With this in mind, I invite you to explore some of the ICWIB! art activities and videos for FREE, because they are a wonderful way to activate you conscious mind, become more present and awake.