Designed to Be

When I was around five years old, my father set aside some of his small hand tools in a toolbox for me to use. Often in the evenings or weekends when my father was working on a project, I would be there with him fashioning something from scrapes of wood he had discarded. It was…


Winter is a time when all of nature goes inward. It really isn’t the time to be running around trying to find the perfect present. Instead, it is the time to remember how to be still, listen deeply, and be present. It is a time for self-reflection, deep healing, changing of perceptions and gaining clarity…


When I was younger I would gleefully leave my marks on paper or any surface I could find. I didn’t care of my drawings were perfect. I just loved how I felt when I was drawing. I felt happy, energized and alive. Though as I grew older, I found myself comparing my drawings and myself…

Big Tree

Today I want to talk about Tsunamis, not in the literal sense, but in the metaphorical sense.  What am I talking about? To me a tsunami is an unexpected large force of energy that our system is not expecting and may have difficulty handling. A metaphorical tsunami may look like an out of control virus,…


Several years ago when I was having lunch with my friend Barbara she began talking about how she didn’t feel like she was enough or what she had to offer the world was enough. At first I was startled because what she was saying didn’t fit with my experience of her at all, but instead…


When my daughter was about seven months old her father was injured on the job and I had to take on the role of primary breadwinner. This single event changed me, and my whole life. It pushed me out of my comfort zone and forced me to grow and change in ways I hadn’t before.…


Many years ago when I first met Dr. Bruce Lipton he told me that our emotions were like the gauges on the dashboard of our car. They let us know if a situation was good or not good for our biology. Today I would like to elaborate on that metaphor and explain how you can…


“How can something as simple as scribbling shift your perceptions and bring about a change so quickly?” I was asked repeatedly as young and old were introduced to the benefits and joys of scribbling at the Annual Palo Alto Art Fair many years ago. Occasionally we encountered jaded teens who proclaimed, “I don’t scribble—scribbling is…