
When I get overwhelmed by life, my usual response is “back to basics”! This is not the time for me to continue operating from the mindset of “just one more thing,” but rather the time for me to stop, shift gears, and reconnect with myself and what is important to me. This is a time…

Want To Be

I grew-up in an environment that held higher education in extremely high regard. It wasn’t until later in life that I came to realize that I also was taught indirectly that those who had a higher academic education were better than those without. I don’t feel this is true. I feel the most important thing…

If You Experienced

Did you know that if as a child you experienced emotional, physical, or sexual abuse; emotional or physical neglect; or were exposed to household substance abuse, mental illness, incarceration, separation or divorce, that you are at an increase of almost anything bad you can imagine? In fact, if you experience more than three of these,…