Thought of the Day

Johnny The Bagger from ServiceSpace on Vimeo. This heart touching video reminded me that it is the seemingly small actions that we make that can make the biggest difference in our lives and the lives of others. This video tells the story about Johnny and how his heart felt desire to make a difference changed…

Art You Can Touch

Video from KarmaTube This inspiring video tells the story of an artist, Andrew Myers, who was so moved by a blind man’s joy at “feeling” three dimensional art that he is inspired to create three dimensional portraits to be experienced by people who are blind or visually impaired. Andrew’s work, besides creating fine art that can…

The Piano Man

If the pandemic has taught me anything, I feel it has taught me the importance of connection and the importance of sharing of our authentic self with others. It doesn’t matter if we are musicians, artists, dancers, singers, bakers, mothers, fathers or children, we all have the capacity to make a difference in other people’s…