Neil deGrasse Tyson – The Most Human Activity from The Inspiration Journey on Vimeo.
As I watched this wonderful video from astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson as he gives parents some simple advice on how to encourage children’s interest in science, the thought that dashed through my brain was: This is also the way to heal the world.
The reason for that thought dashing through my mind was that he points out that infants and toddlers are natural scientists. They are born curious and science and curiosity go together. He also points out that if everyone was given the opportunity to explore and express their uniqueness our society would be transformed over night.
You only need to listen to the radio, or view the news on the TV or computer to realize that the world needs healing. So with this in mind, I invite you to explore some of the ICWIB activities and videos for FREE because they are a simple and non-threatening ways to cultivate your innate ability to explore life. Then in the process you can also rediscovered your authentic nature, the unique gifts you have to share with the world and help heal the world-one person at a time.