Have you ever felt stuck or slightly boxed in?
And wished a new life soon would begin?
Did you feel trapped, confused, or upset?
Were you filled with sorrow, anguish, or regret?
And did you know how to set yourself free?
And be the one you were meant to be?
We are constantly bombarded with opinions, suggestions, and judgments. Unfortunately, I have found that outside interference or direction can often lead me away from my authentic self as I try to be what they want me to be.
When I was a young pup living with my mother and my 9 siblings, I found that I was different from most of them. I liked hanging out with humans more than I liked wresting with my brothers and sisters. I like quiet instead of noise. I like riding on the bus more than going to a dog park.
When I first started my medical Alert training, I was filled with a lot of energy and had difficulty centering or calming myself down.
In response my trainer taught me how to contain myself in a box. In the beginning the box was big, but over time the trainer and Nancy Marie made the box smaller and smaller until they found the perfect size box for me.
Being boxed-in is not something I resist, but rather something I appreciate because it helps me collect and connect with myself.
When you are spinning out or lack the clarity you need, do you have a way to box-yourself in? Do you have a way to slow yourself down and reconnect with your true nature?
Besides sitting in the box there are many ways you can accomplish the same thing. Just slowing down your breathing; stretching, and my all-time favorite–
laying in the sun in my front yard and watching the world pass by.
Think about times in your day you can stop and recollect yourself. I think this simple practice will increase the quality of your life and deepen your sense of self.
Then if you want more support in your decision making, I suggest you explore the I Create What I Believe (ICWIB) program where my friend Luke will demonstrate the ICWIB activities and/or attend the FREE Drawing in the Now classes that are taught by Nancy Marie over Zoom the first and third Monday of the month from 4:30 pm-5:00 pm PST.
To view archived classes or for more information about the FREE Drawing in the Now Classes
visit: https://
For more information about the ICWIB Online Training Program
visit www.icreatewhatibelieve.