In this wonderful video interview, Dr. Bruce Lipton talks about how we have 50 trillion cells living inside our skin in peace and harmony. Each cell, which has a specific job and contributes to the whole, is like an individual being and even though they are different and have diverse jobs, they are able to work together in unity and cooperation. We human beings are living on a planet with 7.6 billion people, and we are not living in peace and harmony—instead we are killing each other and ourselves.
Bruce goes on to say that we need to look at the wisdom of our cells and their ability to create a healthy economy, because as he goes on to say, “…They are doing it right and have been for a million years…”
If you would like to learn some simple techniques to help you stay connected more deeply with the inner harmony and advance technology within your body, we invite you to join Nancy Marie, the creator of the I Create What I Believe (ICWIB) program, which is based on the research of Dr. Bruce Lipton and endorsed by him in our new FREE Drawing in the Now class.
In each class Nancy Marie will demonstrate one ICWIB activity; explain how to use it and why it works. Classes are held via Zoom on the first and third Monday of each month from 4:30-5:00pm PST. To view archived classes or for more information about the FREE Drawing in the Now Classes visit: https://
In a video interview, Dr. Bruce Lipton said “…Freedom is the ability to create without the limitation of generational programming. The I Create What I Believe! (ICWIB!) Program is a gateway and a pathway into a new and better future because it allows children (and adults) to fully express themselves and to not be limited by the beliefs that have been passed from generation to generation. This program also frees up children’s and adults’ mind and allows their creative nature to create a better world for all of us, which is what we need right now…“