I know I am not supposed to interact with other people when I am wearing my Medical Alert jacket, but this day was different. So here is my story:
Nancy and I were walking across the parking lot heading to a store when I felt this deep impulse to head over to a specific car. There was a woman loading her groceries into this car but because she had a hatch back, I could only see her legs.
I stopped and looked at Nancy and said in my mind, “I know I am not supposed to do this, but I need to…” Nancy smiled, dropped the leach, and said, “I trust you.”
With that I sauntered across the aisle in the parking lot and laid my head upon the woman’s leg.
Startled she can out from under the hatch back and put her hand on my head. I could then see that she had been crying. She then said, “I really needed that, thank you.”
I smiled and waged my tail and then sauntered back to Nancy. She then gave me a huge hug and said, “I am proud of you” as we continued towards the store.
It only took a moment, but I think it was a healing, and uplifting experience for all of us. It showed me how the simplest action can change the course of life.
Special moments like this can happen any time or anywhere, we just need to trust ourselves and respond with an open heart.
So, what happens when we have a closed heart?
The answer is simple. We can miss an opportunity to improve our life and the lives of others.
If you need some support in learning how to open our heart, I suggest you explore the I Create What I Believe (ICWIB) program where my friend Luke will demonstrate the ICWIB activities and/or attend the FREE Drawing in the Now classes that are taught by Nancy Marie over Zoom the first and third Monday of the month from 4:30 pm-5:00 pm PST.
To view archived classes or for more information about the FREE Drawing in the Now Classes
visit: https://icreatewhatibelieve.com/drawing-in-the-now/
For more information about the ICWIB Online Training Program
visit https://icreatewhatibelieve.com/online-training/
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