Fast Forward

About thirty years ago when I was encountering some major challenges in my life I devised a mind-game I played with myself to help me step out of the turmoil and make good, clear, and conscious choices. I called the game “fast forward.” In the game I would imagine I had died and I was…

Grandfather’s Wisdom

When I was growing up I was lead to believe that I was bad. This negative view of myself then led to more rule breaking and even more criticism. I truly tried to behave, but no matter how hard I tried I would eventually behave inappropriately and get in trouble. One day my grandfather’s response…

The Wall

Randy Pausch, in his last lecture, said, “…Brick walls are there for a reason: they are there to prove how badly we want something…” “…A wall is not necessarily created to stop you, but rather to stop the people who don’t want something as much as you do.” Growing up with multiple learning disabilities, I…

We Have a Choice

This wonderful video is a superb reminder of what many of our leading scientists and spiritual leaders have been telling us for decades and even centuries–our thoughts and emotions affect our biology! When we are living a life that makes us happy, we feel better and quite often our health is greatly improved. On the…

Learning Opportunity

We all have moments where we feel genuinely happy, and empowered, but how do you respond when the Universe throws you a curve ball?  Do you get angry? Frustrated? Blame someone? Become a victim?  Make excuses? Or do you have the capacity to stay centered with your heart open, and consciously embrace the “learning opportunity”…