
Whenever I find myself embarking along a new journey or beginning a new project I ask myself a series of questions to help me focus my mind and stay on course. Here are some of the questions I ask: What is my ultimate goal or what am I trying to accomplish? Why is this important?…



Procrastination can be a way of mobilizing internal panic, but why would anyone want to mobilize internal panic? Panic dumps adrenalin into the system, which can help focus your mind, and ultimately summon you into action. Think of first responders. Unfortunately, this approach places you in the non-thinking part of the mind, which makes it…


Change Your Readout

In this short video clip, Dr. Bruce Lipton and Dr. Wayne Dyer talk about how our perceptions don’t change our DNA—our perceptions change the readout of our DNA. Then that information goes in and affects the genes. Since we can create over 30,000 different variations from our original blue print, it’s easy to see that our…



This short excerpt from the I Create What I Believe!(ICWIB) Instructional Guide DVD explains how and why the Reflective Circle, the sixth activity in the ICWIB program, which is endorsed by Dr. Bruce Lipton and based on his research, can help one restore balance in a positive and constructive manner. In a recent interview Dr. Bruce…



“Self-discipline begins with mastering your thoughts. If you can’t control what you think, you can’t control what you do.” -Randy Pausch   When was the last time you didn’t just think your thoughts, but consciously observed and dissected them so fully that you were able to uncover the underlying thread that linked them together? Several weeks…



When Albert Einstein said, “We can’t solve problems using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them,” what he was referring to was the role of the conscious mind versus the subconscious or unconscious mind. I feel most of the problems today are created when people are in their unconscious or reactive…


Cut Loose!

When was the last time you scribbled? I mean really scribbled with abandonment. When was the last time you allowed yourself to cut loose and do something as childish as scribbling? Well, today may be the day you need to cut loose again. Scribbling can serve many purposes. It can be an aerobic activity that…
