Upheaval: Friend or Foe?

In this short video, Dr. Bruce Lipton reminds us that upheaval is an invitation to creatively participate in the evolutionary process. When we feel things collapsing around and within us, it is a sign that evolution is in process. How we relate to upheaval determines what we will create from the opportunity presented. As Bruce…


Being Whole

“Being whole doesn’t mean being more than who you are, at this very moment—it means being who you are, at this very moment.” —Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D.   In this 5-minute excerpt from The Heart of Healing CD, Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D., the author of Kitchen Table Wisdom, shares heartfelt wisdom set to beautiful background music. Dr. Remen…


Where Truth Lives

In his research, Hans Jenny demonstrated that sound or vibration creates form and when you change the sound the form changes. You can see this phenomenon in nature and it is also true with us. When someone is stressed or inauthentic, their voice sounds different and their facial expressions and body language are also different.…


Strength and Power

Many cultures view the elephant as a symbol of strength and power. It has also been praised for its stamina, mental faculties, cooperative spirit, and loyalty. These are wonderful qualities. In fact, these qualities are ones that I feel we all should to strive for within ourselves, especially in these challenging times. So how can…



“…Don’t let the Noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice…”—Steve Jobs When we allow other people’s beliefs and opinions to control or define us, we can also lose touch with our own inner barometer and voice. This also means we can also lose touch with our authentic nature, our soul’s path, and…


Wisdom of the Force

In this short, playful video, Dr. Bruce Lipton reminds us that we have the power to shape the world we experience, according to how we engage in the field of consciousness and thought. Drawing a connection between the Jedi Force and what quantum physics refers to as the Field of Energy, Bruce explains how we…


An Attitude of Gratitude

According to Robert A. Emmons, professor of psychology at UC Davis, California, and a leading scientific expert on the science of gratitude, the practice of gratitude can improve your physical and psychological health, lower blood pressure, improve immune function and heart health, enhance empathy, reduce aggression, help you sleep better, improve your self-esteem, and increase…


Learn to Edit Your Tapes

“…If you’re not looking at the shadows, if you’re not looking at what is subconsciously running through the tape in your mind… telling yourself you’re not good enough, you’re not worthy enough, you’re not smart enough, you’re not enough… if you’re not conscious of that, then you end up acting out of that belief system,…
