
Over the years, I have found that people who are comfortable with their own creativity are rarely critical or try to stifle another person’s creativity. Instead, they usually are inspired by other people’s unique gifts and encourage their development. So if someone has said something negative about your creativity, please note they are probably just…


Right Mood

Do you have to be in the right mood to create? Or does creating put you in the right mood? I personally feel that creativity is a simple and powerful way to put yourself in the right mood because it activates your conscious mind. When you are in the conscious mind, your brain dumps oxytocin…



“Which is the Best?” “They are all the best!” Creativity is a marvelous thing, but don’t get caught in the trap of thinking it needs to look or be a certain way. Art is merely a vehicle for transmitting and expressing emotion. If you talk to a seasoned musician or visual artist, you will find…


Worst Enemy

“Make sure your worst enemy is not living between your ears.” It is easy to point fingers and blame others for our unhappiness, but the truth is we have a very strong role in the creation of our reality. Research shows that about 95% of a person’s life is run by the tapes they received…


Art Makes Us See

Art, I think, is a delightful way to discover how you see, and can cultivate your ability to see more clearly. This is because a simple drawing, painting, or even a scribble can capture not only what you are seeing, but also your state of mind in that moment in time. In order to draw…


Inner Artist

I read somewhere that an artist is someone who looks at something ordinary, but sees something completely different. To have an inner artist, I don’t think you need to have mastered a specific modality, though it can be a helpful vehicle for sharing your insights. You merely need to approach life with the creative awe,…
