The Chain of Harm

When we are young, our minds are predominantly in a theta brain state—copy and paste. This allows us to learn an immense amount of information quickly as we adapt to new environments. Unfortunately, we don’t have the capacity to question the appropriateness of what we are learning during these early and formative years. This means…


Cause and Effect

One of the stumbling blocks I encountered with my first child was how to deal with toys not being picked up and put away. I knew I didn’t want to nag or yell, but being a new parent I didn’t know how to recruit my daughter’s cooperation in a consistent and effective way. I was…


Worry is Negative Prayer

Worry is a form of negative prayer. True prayer is the act of deep listening, then sending out the positive energy, thoughts, and intentions needed. Because worry is based on fear, when you worry you are inadvertently sending fear and negative energy instead of love and support. With this in mind, it is easy to see that worry…


Solving Problems

When Albert Einstein said, “We can’t solve problems using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them,” what he was referring to was the role of the conscious mind versus the subconscious or unconscious mind. I feel most of the problems today are created when people are in their unconscious or reactive…



What do you do when you feel lost? What do you do when you feel disoriented or confused? What do you do when you or your mind wanders so far you can’t find your way back to yourself? When I was younger I used to try and muscle through those moments. I tried to pretend…



Don’t try and understand your scribbles in a linear or logical way. Instead use scribbling to help you ask tap into your feelings, senses, and body sensations. The goal is to integrate your body, mind, and spirit, which means we need to get out of our head. There are many ways to accomplish this, but…
