My Keys

Lately I have been pondering how the Universe sometimes guides me. When I was younger, I rarely looked behind life’s curtain. If I couldn’t find my car keys, I just saw the event as: “I can’t find my car keys.” Now when I can’t find my car keys, I am immediately aware of being over-extended,…

Ida Keeling

In this short and inspiring video, Ida Keeling, the national champion of the 60-meter dash of the 95-99 age group, imparts some wonderful wisdom. Life presents us with challenges—some are harder than others. So the question is: How do we respond?” Are we reactive or have we learned how to activate our conscious problem-solving mind…


In this very artistic short video, David Bowden asks some provocative questions: When we plug into the internet are we unplugging from each other? As we search daily, what do we gain and what do we lose? Is there space for both in our life? As we become an increasingly technologically advanced society, I think…


When I get overwhelmed by life, my usual response is “back to basics”! This is not the time for me to continue operating from the mindset of “just one more thing,” but rather the time for me to stop, shift gears, and reconnect with myself and what is important to me. This is a time…

Want To Be

I grew-up in an environment that held higher education in extremely high regard. It wasn’t until later in life that I came to realize that I also was taught indirectly that those who had a higher academic education were better than those without. I don’t feel this is true. I feel the most important thing…