If You Experienced

Did you know that if as a child you experienced emotional, physical, or sexual abuse; emotional or physical neglect; or were exposed to household substance abuse, mental illness, incarceration, separation or divorce, that you are at an increase of almost anything bad you can imagine? In fact, if you experience more than three of these,…

Your Rudder

What do you do when you find yourself feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and unable to focus or accomplish your goal? Do you push harder or do you step back and try to find your rudder, and a way to bring clarity back into the picture? When I was much younger and things didn’t magically fall into…

Do You Need?

How do you respond when the outcome you envisioned is different than what you wanted? Does your need to be in control override your ability to see the humor and growth opportunity the situation has created? Are you able to laugh, look at the pattern you are tripping over and make a different choice? Or…

Super Heroes

When you hear the phrase “Super Hero,” what images does your mind produce? Batman? Superman? Wonder Woman? Do you have a favorite? If you do, what is their specialty? Do they fight for the underdog? Bring justice to the dark corners of life? Are they a spokesperson for the disenfranchised and disempowered? Or are they…