Inner Artist

I read somewhere that an artist is someone who looks at something ordinary, but sees something completely different. To have an inner artist, I don’t think you need to have mastered a specific modality, though it can be a helpful vehicle for sharing your insights. You merely need to approach life with the creative awe,…

Om Om on the Range

“OM, OM on the range. Where the deer and the antelope play. Where seldom is heard a discouraging word and skies are not cloudy all day.” What do you envision when you meditate or daydream? What would you like to change in your life? For centuries, wise teachers have been telling us that our thoughts…

Meditation and the Young Mind

New research shows that meditation not only helps children feel calmer, but can also benefit executive functions such as memory, cognitive control, and flexibility. Additional research has also found that meditation can have its greatest impact on cognitive development in the first five years of life. This is because the brain develops connections in prefrontal…

Zombie Slaves

Are you running your life or are you spending so much time with the “screens” in your life you have lost touch with the “screen” of your inner voice? I have found there is a direct correlation between my spending too much time focusing on external screens and my inability to maintain my center. To…