
We all wear masks from time to time. It is a way to protect ourselves, hide our inner most feelings, maneuver difficult situations, and explore new ways of being. Unfortunately, if you aren’t aware of your own mask and the reason you feel a need to wear it, in a certain situation you can lose…

Soar vs. Sore

When you feel angry or upset, do you allow those negative feelings to pull you down and drain your positive life-force energy? If things don’t work out the way you want them to, do you get angry or sore? Or do you know how to shake off unconstructive and negative feelings and re-embrace your positive…


When I woke up one morning I found the word “congruent” lodged in my mind. At first it was an interesting experience, but after about an hour or two its presence became annoying. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t get it to go away, so I decided I needed to pull it closer,…

Pier vs. Peer

How do you approach your relationships? Do you approach them as a peer—meaning you view the other person as an equal? Or do you approach them as a pier—meaning you think you need to prop up the other person or carry more than your part of the load? Or do you approach relationships from the…

Mastering Your Thoughts

“Self-discipline begins with mastering your thoughts. If you can’t control what you think, you can’t control what you do.”    -Randy Pausch When was the last time you didn’t just think your thoughts, but consciously observed and dissected them so fully that you were able to uncover the underlying thread that linked them together? Several…


When I was around five years old, my father set aside some of his small hand tools in a toolbox for me to use. Often in the evenings or weekends when my father was working on a project, I would be there with him fashioning something from scrapes of wood he had discarded. Unfortunately, my…

Turn Around Your Life

“You can’t change the first thought that comes into your mind, but you can change the second and third thought.” In this short video, Abbe shows how she physically used affirmations to help herself and then others learn to transform negative thoughts and messages into a positive and supportive internal dialogue. Knowing how to transform…