An Attitude of Gratitude

According to Robert A. Emmons, professor of psychology at UC Davis, California, and a leading scientific expert on the science of gratitude, the practice of gratitude can improve your physical and psychological health, lower blood pressure, improve immune function and heart health, enhance empathy, reduce aggression, help you sleep better, improve your self-esteem, and increase…

Too Old

Sitting at an outdoor cafe recently, I overheard a conversation at a nearby table that I feel is worth repeating. Actually, the conversation was between two people from different tables. The conversation started when a woman who was in her late fifties was having a conversation on her cell phone. All we heard was, “I…


Last night on my evening walk, I met two young men. One was in his early twenties and the other was in his late twenties. As we stood in the local historical cemetery talking, both revealed they hadn’t finished high school: a label that had crippled both of them. One said he hadn’t finished high…