Our Journey Begins

Our Journey begins long before we are born. Like a seed buried deep within the ground we carry potential in the womb. At the same time, our mother’s thoughts and experiences are chemically passed to us and these experiences affect the development of our body, mind, and potential. Did she feel loved and supported or…

Choose Happiness

In this two-minute video by YoursWisely, we’re reminded that chasing happiness won’t bring happiness, as this perspective frames it as something not yet present and requires more of “something else” before it can happen. From this mindset, happiness stays trapped in the future, unavailable in the here and now. Chasing happiness keeps it at a…

The Three R’s of Emotional Education

Traditional education focuses on the three R’s: reading, (w)riting and (a)rithmetic. Social emotional learning (SEL) focuses on a different set of R’s: regulation, reconstruction and resilience. This set of “soft skills” teaches a child to develop self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship skills. In this two-and-a-half-minute video, Arlo Laibowitz explains SEL and what takes place…

Think About

In this five-minute video, Dr. Bruce Lipton explains how biological responses are influenced by thoughts: cells respond to signals (chemicals in our bloodstream) triggered by the nervous system’s perception of the environment. This is how our perception of the outer environment impacts the chemistry of our inner environment. If we perceive a threat, our biology…

The Potential Within

“We have a potential within us, and as we embrace that potential, we begin to think of ourselves very differently, and see the world very differently, and to me, this is where the end of hate begins.” Gregg Braden Do you recognize that being kind to yourself is an act of kindness to others? In…