Inner Contentment

Video from KarmaTube This wonderful video illustrates quite eloquently how changing our perceptions we can change our life experience. We all know that feeling of contentment that can wash over us when we are at peace with life and ourselves. Many of us are also familiar with that feeling of wanting to jump out of our…


This sweet animated video reminded me that we can’t choose whom we love or what we love any more than we can choose to be who we are. Learning how to identity and embrace our authentic nature with all of its glory, short comings and desires is part of our human journey. The process of…


In this short video, Dr. Bruce Perry, psychiatrist and expert on the long-term effects of childhood trauma on the brain, talks about how each year the next generation of preschoolers and kindergarteners begin their lifelong journey of learning. Here, he shares his opinion on the real goal of education, which is “not to pass a…