We Were Born

We weren’t designed to be merely linear beings. We are a blend of body, mind, and spirit and were born to be connected to all living things. Unfortunately, our lives today don’t always support this union. Consequently many people spend much of their lives disconnected from their spirits and walk through life as distant and…

Children See

Children see—even if they don’t have the capacity to articulate what they see—they see and their mind records what they see. This can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the situation and how you respond. Many, many years ago when my son was about three-and-a-half, I went on an errand that…

Not a Waste of Time

A Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania study found that coloring, drawing, and doodling make us feel more relaxed because they activate the prefrontal cortex, which helps control the brain’s reward pathways and contributes to our emotions, decision-making capabilities, and motivation. In this study, the participants were given paper and markers and instructed to doodle in several…

Why Do I Draw?

When I studied art many years ago, I was taught to draw and create beautiful things for others. The process was about pleasing and recognition—not transformation. I struggled with that approach because it placed me outside of myself and left me feeling off balanced, unsure of myself, and discontent. Then one day I came to…