Landfill Harmonic

Landfill Harmonic from Landfill Harmonic on Vimeo. When I watched this video I was truly touched by the ingenuity and resourcefulness of the children and adults that guided them. They didn’t just learn how to play a guitar or cello, their instruments were made from garbage. A cello made from an oil can and pieces…


Our Journey begins long before we are born. Like a seed buried deep within the ground we hold and carry our potential. At the same time, our mother’s thoughts, and experiences are chemically passed to us and these experiences affect the development of our body, mind and potential. If for some reason you acquired a…


Video from KarmaTube This beautiful short video, animated by Azuma Makoto, is a great reminder of the interconnectedness of all life and the continuous cycles of life that endure, even in the most challenging times. I think every day nature quietly reminds us of the strength and frailty of life. Though it is through our…

Significant Change

Many years ago I read an article that said the best parent was not the one who was perfect and never made any mistakes. Instead it said, the best parent was one who made lots of mistakes, but also admitted their mistakes and made restitution. This is because within this process they taught their children…

Wood Swimmer

Video from KarmaTube There are many amazing people, places and things around us every day, but all too often we don’t really see them in all of their glory, because we are too focused on something else or we are moving too fast. I suggest you take the time to view this very magical short…

Wood and Water

Many years ago one of my teachers said, “…Before Enlightenment chop wood carry water, after Enlightenment, chop wood carry water….”. What’s the difference? The tasks are the same. The need is the same. What about the frame of mind? Who is chopping the wood? And who is carrying water? I have also been told that,…


Video from KarmaTube Watching this inspiring video I was reminded that for every problem there is a solution and great solutions attract people who can and want to make a difference.  South Central Los Angeles is a food desert and in area filled with liquor stores, fast food chains and vacant lots. It also has…