
Video from KarmaTube This beautiful short video, animated by Azuma Makoto, is a great reminder of the interconnectedness of all life and the continuous cycles of life that endure, even in the most challenging times. Every day nature reminds us of the strength and frailty of life. Though it is our willingness to be present…

It’s Official

We are pleased to announce the launch of the I Create What I Believe! (ICWIB) Online Training Program. This means that now anyone, anywhere in the world can benefit from this training.  According to Dr. Bruce Lipton “…This program (I Create What I Believe!) frees up the mind of a child (or adult) and allows their…


Since every day we seem to be bombarded with more and more stress, Alex and I would like to share some simple tips, and stories with you to hopefully put a smile on your face and help you keep your head screwed on straight in these very, very challenging times. Remember, we can move through…


Video from KarmaTube What if our institutions and organizations catered to our deeper motivations and inner callings? What if we were encouraged to approached life from the concept of Giftivism: the practice of radically generous acts that change the world. This inspiring video explores what the world might look like if we designed it for…

It’s Official

We are pleased to announce the launch of the I Create What I Believe! (ICWIB) Online Training Program. This means that now anyone, anywhere in the world can benefit from this training.  According to Dr. Bruce Lipton “…This program (I Create What I Believe!) frees up the mind of a child (or adult) and allows their…


Since every day we seem to be bombarded with more and more stress, Alex and I would like to share some simple tips, and stories with you to hopefully put a smile on your face and help you keep your head screwed on straight in these very challenging times. Remember, we always have a choice!…

Change the World

Video from KarmaTube How can we change the world? Is it possible for one person to change the course of history? If it is, does this person need to be a politician, authority figure or could a simple street artist lead the way? This wonderful video tells the story of RJ, a French street artist,…

A Dizzy Blur

Since every day we seem to be bombarded with more and more stress, Alex and I would like to share some simple tips, and stories with you to hopefully put a smile on your face and help you keep your head screwed on straight in these very challenging times. Remember, we always have a choice!…

Wholeness and Balance

Explore Wholeness is not something we need to strive for or try to obtain. Wholeness exists within us. It is our perceptions or beliefs about life and ourselves that disconnects us from this awareness and can prevent us from moving through life in a full and integrated manner. The I Create What I Believe! (ICWIB)…