Specific Tool

When I was around five years old, my father set aside some of his small hand tools in a toolbox for me to use. Often in the evenings or on the weekends when my father was working on a project, I would be there with him fashioning something from scrapes of wood he had discarded.…

Trauma and the Nervous System

This very informative video talks about the rise in the number of people today who are experiencing anxiety, depression, PTSD, addiction and chronic Health disorders. With this in mind, I think it would be a good idea to explore why this might be happening, how it may be impacting our well-being and how to resolve…


Since every day we seem to be bombarded with more and more stress, Alex and I would like to share some simple tips, and stories with you to hopefully put a smile on your face and help you keep your head screwed on straight in these very, very challenging times. Remember, we can move through…


When I was much younger and things didn’t magically fall into place I would push harder, try to endure, and stay on task. Sometimes it worked, and sometimes it didn’t. Then later in life when I experience a very serious head injury everything changed. All of a sudden, I was no longer able to override…


Video from KarmaTube This inspiring video reminded me of the impact a good and devoted teacher can have on child’s life. Rita Pierson, a teacher with more than 40 years of experience, talks about the value and importance of human connection (relationships) in a kid’s education. She believes that if most kids grew up not…