
Since every day we seem to be bombarded with more and more stress, Alex and I would like to share some simple tips, and stories with you to hopefully put a smile on your face and help you keep your head screwed on straight in these very challenging times. Back in the mid –seventies, I…

Let the Sun Rise

A film by Green Renaissance. Video from KarmaTube This wonderful video reminded me that everyone has days when things don’t turn out the way we’d hoped and when this happens we have to find a way to make peace with things as they are. Fortunately the sun rises again each morning for all of us…

Be A Big Tree

Many years ago, actually many decades ago, one of my teachers told me that when there was a tsunami I needed to run to the highest ground and tie myself to the biggest tree. To me a tsunami is an unexpected large force of energy that our system is not expecting and may have difficulty…

Study War No More

Video from KarmaTube What if we as a society decided to live a life propelled with the spirit of love, cooperation and nonviolence? What would it look like? What if we as a society decided we were going to “Study War No More”? This uplifting video reminded me that each of us has the capacity…

Grabbing an Opportunity

It is not the cards we are dealt that decide our happiness; it is how we respond to the situation. Every turn of the road we have an opportunity to view ourselves as a victim or choose to be the hero in our own life. This is not something imaginary. As the Molecules of Emotion by Candace…

Buddha Oakland

Video from KarmaTube This video is a wonderful reminder how pushing or the use of force is not always the best approach to accomplish something. When Dan Stevenson placed a stone Buddha across the street from his house in Oakland’s Eastlake neighborhood, it was out of desperation. The corner had become an impromptu dump. City…

In the Beginning

There has been an explosion of research over the past decade that shows how important the first few years of a child’s life are in terms of social, emotional, and cognitive development. For many years, preschool and infant toddler care providers have focused on helping children compensate and overcome traumatic experiences and home life deficits.…