Trust, Respect and Learning

Today I would like to tell you a story about Trust, Respect and Learning… I read an article when my son was an infant that changed my life. The article said there is no such thing as a perfect parent. In fact being a perfect parent, i.e. never making a mistake, was not a good…


My father, who had grown up on a farm, was very connected to nature and great believer of the importance of… When I was around four years old my family lived in a flat in Chicago. At the time, my parents had also bought a piece of property outside the city where they were planning…

Inner Conflict

Several years ago when I was having lunch with my friend Barbara she began talking about how she didn’t feel like she was enough or what she had to offer the world was enough. As I sat there listening some questions began rolling around in my mind. Where did these beliefs coming from? Why did…