Game Changer

I came to the realization that the only thing that had changed was… I would like to tell you a story about a dear friend of mine. Recently she discovered she had a life-threatening disease and probable wouldn’t live more than five years. Upon hearing this news, she like many people freaked out. I mean…


In this very informative video Dr. Bruce Lipton uses the analogy of a TV set and a broadcast to explain the interaction between the cell and the environment. He then goes on to explain that just understanding this interaction and the role of the subconscious and conscious mind alone cannot change your life because the…


Today I would like to talk about a quote from… What did Albert Einstein mean when he said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge” and how can I adapt and integrate the wisdom of his quote into my life? Well, from my perspective, Albert Einstein was saying that the conscious mind is more important than…

To Be Fully Human

Video from KarmaTube This wonderful video talks about the importance to feeling truly loved and how just feeling loved, not because of something we did, can be transformative. Jean Vanier goes on to say, “To be fully human is really to discover who I am, and to discover who I am, is to discover the…


Our family moved to the seashore when my daughter was three and for several years our life revolved around the constant ebb and flow of the tide. Early each morning we would walk on the beach to see what “gifts” the ocean had brought to us. Sometimes we would find shells or smooth pieces of…


Video from KarmaTube On September 11th a 21-Day Kindness Challenge was launched that included 6000 people from 98 countries. They created a tidal wave of goodness that inspired many — including young rapper-activist “Nimo” Patel at the Gandhi Ashram in India, who channeled the inspiration into this infectious music video. “Being Kind” features footage from…