
Since every day we seem to be bombarded with more and stress, Alex and I would like to share some simple tips, and stories to put a smile on your face and help you keep your head screwed on straight in these challenging times. With this in mind, I invite you to explore some of…

The Labyrinth

This short video clip will guide you through the fourth activity in the ICWIB program. It is called the labyrinth. The labyrinth, which has roots both in yoga breathing and labyrinth walking meditation, can help you relax your body, increase your sense of well-being, and help you become fully present. The repetitive motion and use…

Intoxication of Learning

Since every day we seem to be bombarded with more and stress, Alex and I would like to share some simple tips, and stories to put a smile on your face and help you keep your head screwed on straight in these challenging times. I also invite you to explore some of the ICWIB! art…

Rewrite Your Programs

In this very informative video Dr. Bruce Lipton uses the analogy of a TV set and a broadcast to explain the interaction between the cell and the environment. He then goes on to explain that just understanding this interaction and the role of the subconscious and conscious mind alone cannot change your life because the…


Since every day we seem to be bombarded with more and stress, Alex and I would like to share some simple tips, and stories to put a smile on your face and help you keep your head screwed on straight in these challenging times. With this in mind, I invite you to explore some of…

Choosing Love

In this delightful video, Dr. Bruce Lipton and his wife Margaret Horton share with you the importance of choosing love and how that one single choice can change your whole life. It is important to remember that the body can only read two emotions—fear and love. Fear can trigger the reactive subconscious mind, which is…


Since every day we seem to be bombarded with more and stress, Alex and I would like to share some simple tips, and stories to put a smile on your face and help you keep your head screwed on straight in these challenging times. With this in mind, I also invite you to explore some…

Two Choices

This morning when I was doing some research, I came across this video clip. I am sharing this with you today, because in many ways it is a great reminder of something Dr. Bruce Lipton said. “Don’t let your tapes, or anyone who has a diminished view of you, create your life.” Instead, take the…

Surviving Stress

Since every day we seem to be bombarded with more and stress, Alex and I would like to share some simple tips, and stories to put a smile on your face and help you keep your head screwed on straight in these challenging times. I also invite you to explore some of the ICWIB! art…