What is in Your Tank?

One simple thing you can do to improve the quality of your life Since every day we seem to be bombarded with more and more stress, Alex and I would like to share some simple tips, and stories in my new podcast series, ‘Did You Know?’ to help you keep your head screwed on straight…

Reestablish Balance

Within each of us is a tolerance for the opposite states of chaos and order or unpredictability and predictability. This balance is innate to us. If you expect your system to tolerate either too much imposed external order or chaos than your body can handle—because it is designed to ALWAYS reestablish balance—it will need to…

Clear Sense of Purpose

Learning to gain a clear sense of purpose or direction Since every day we seem to be bombarded with more and more stress, Alex and I would like to share some simple tips, and stories in my new podcast series, ‘Did You Know?’ to help you keep your head screwed on straight in these challenging…

Attention and Intention

When I was growing up, I must have heard the phrase “Pay attention” at least a trillion times. “Pay attention to what you are doing,” “Pay attention to what you are saying.” “Pay attention to what you are thinking.” It wasn’t until a more recent re-reading of Ageless Body, Timeless Mind by Deepak Chopra that I crystalized…

The Inner Net

In this artistic short video, David Bowden uses spoken word poetry to ask some provocative questions: When we plug into the Internet, are we unplugging from each other? As we search daily, what do we gain and what do we lose? Is there space for both in our life? As we become an increasingly technologically…

Never Become Old

How to get older, but avoid becoming old Recently an old friend of mine suggested that I have some of my newsletters be just audio files (podcasts) because then she could just lie on the couch, close her eyes, and listen deeply. Since I grew up listening to the radio, not looking at screens, this…

Threads of Your Life

How following the threads of your life can help you discover your calling Recently an old friend of mine suggested that I have some of my newsletters be just audio files (podcasts) because then she could just lie on the couch, close her eyes, and listen deeply. Since I grew up listening to the radio,…

Harmony Equals Health

In this entertaining and educational seven-minute video clip by Dr. Bruce Lipton, he describes how the human brain is akin to the musical conductor of our body’s biology. Our body’s biology is like a symphony, with our organ systems being the orchestra. The conductor—our brain—has the role of coordinating these systems so they work together…

Releasing Yourself!

Creating a life that encourages you to reach your full potential. Recently an old friend of mine suggested that I have some of my newsletters be just audio files (podcasts) because then she could just lie on the couch, close her eyes, and listen deeply. Since I grew up listening to the radio, not looking…

Rewrite Your Software

Many years ago, Henry Ford said, “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.” And Albert Einstein said, “You can’t solve our problems with the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” What they were both talking about is what Dr. Bruce Lipton…